TMBA 89 (TTR8) - How Your Mindset Changes When You Get Started in Business

People standing in a deck by the seaside

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Today I pulled Simon and Travis together to talk about some mindset issues. We were having an conversation for a few hours about our businesses, backstories, and relationships and... man I wish I would have had the tape running for that... anyway, I finally pulled out the mic and asked the guys to try and bring out some of key advice and concrete tips they have for aspiring entrepreneurs.

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Listen to this podcast and learn:

  • The #1 piece of advice Simon has on getting started with online business.

  • What you need to care about more than the money seriously.

  • 3 concerete first steps to getting started with e-commerce.

  • Why it doesn't matter how you get started in business.

  • Why having a successful career could totally screw you.

  • Why looking like an idiot is critical to your entrepreneurial success.

  • How Tropical Talk Radio is putting entrepreneurs on the radar!

  • The fall-out form "aggressive SEO week" with Travis.

  • How a few simple definition exercises can change your life.

People on this show:

Simon Stock, ecommerce store owner (@SSStock)
Dan (@TropicalMBA)
Travis Jamison SupreamacySEO

Episode length: 17:45

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TMBA 90 (LBP82) - Podcasting, Launches, Bloggin' about Bloggin', and Chops - A Fireside Chat with Tim Conley


TMBA 88 (TTR7) - Software Development as an Entrepreneurial Crutch, Cash Runway Strategies, and Sex-ish