TMBA 107 (LBP97) - Entrepreneurial ADD and Free Content For Hustlers

Who knew portable bars could be such a successful pursuit?

Dan and Ian did, of course. And that's where their time has been lately.

Freestyling their content a bit this week, they take to their inboxes to answer some listener questions and discuss business strategy.

Dishing out the free content for all the hustlers out there, 'cause it ain't where you've been but where you're about to go.

Like a boss.

Listener Questions Answered:

  • On another note, I checked out and you guys told us that you switched it from Shopify to WP, but didn't say why.  Curious - why are you no longer selling the bar on the site, but just accepting phone calls?   - Joe Hughes

  • I heard you guys talking about coconut oil. I am a massive fan, and wanted to mention that beyond the uses you said, you can cook with it and use it as a super moisturizer, I actually put it in my hair also. I dunno if guys give a shit about this, but it's awesome for really dry hair and gives it a super nice shine. - Liz Froment

  • You guys have your hands in a lot of pies, if you have a business up and running and are making some money, should you focus in like a laser on what is bringing you cash flow now or is it a better idea to have revenue streams from a lot of different places if you aren’t completely in love with your business or believe that there are other opportunities worth pursuing at the same time?How do you guys GTD and split up your time and effort between what is making money right now, future investments and projects that you genuinely love? - Matt K

  • I know I've been pimpin' you out for free bonus material, but I have one final question while it's on my mind (before I finally pony up and join the DC). I've failed miserably with outsourced labor...We know it can be a pivotal part of our business, but we've just struck out. Do you think there would be a big benefit creating some dialogue with multiple firms in the Philippines, and then going and meeting them in person?  We are a development and graphic design shop that can sell our asses off, but our labor is just too damn expensive.  We're having to dish out $1500- $3500 just to get fairly basic wordpress sites done. - A.J. Dunn

  • I have an old affiliate website (3 years) that makes small passive income. What strategies do you recommend for taking it to the next level? Anything from link-building tips, blogging, or creating an awesome ning site (love that idea btw!) would be helpful!  Also, I'm going through to change the content so I can offer some great value instead of simply trying to sell stuff. - Sam of


Joe Hughes - Dynamic Life
Portable Bar Company
Bob Malloy

Quick Tips, Tricks and Funny Jokes

Speech To Text Services
Justin Hayes - Superhuman Pursuits
Dan at lifestyle business podcast . com.

Have fun. Leave a comment. Give us a ring. 888-554-8428. Go make it happen! :)

Episode length: 23:21 

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Or right-click here for a direct download.

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TMBA 108 (LBP98) - 8 Lesser Recognized Forms Of The Resistance


TMBA 106 (LBP96) – A Proposition : Start-Up August